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As a combination bit, the Fulmer Snaffle allows for full cheeks above and below the bit, eggbutt sides and also the movement of loose rings.
The tall cheeks above and below the mouthpiece have no action as such upon the horse but, with the correct size and fit, they will help to keep the bit central in the mouth. Additionally, they act to provide directional guidance supporting the rein aid so are useful for the less experienced horse.
The eggbutt sides help to prevent any pinching and the addition of the loose rings function to provide more movement of the mouthpiece in the mouth.
Please note, that we define the cheek of the Fulmer from the top to the bottom, as shown in the image. Standard cheeks are 6” long. Our smaller Fulmers designed for ponies, are approximately 4.5” long.
Our mouth width is the measurement of the mouth between the cheek pieces and not the full length of the mouthpiece.Remember not to have too tight of a fit. You should always leave a little room on each side for comfort.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between a Full Cheek and a Fulmer Snaffle?
The Full Cheek has no loose rings at the side as the Fulmer does. While this does mean that there is less freedom of the mouthpieces movement in relation to the sides of the bit, it is less likely to adversely rotate around as a Fulmer Snaffle might. Fulmer loops can be used with Full Cheek Snaffle but this is optional.To view our full list of bits, please register for an account or login. If you wish to purchase a Bit through one of our dedicated retailers, please click here. If you would like to access our Bit prices and are an authorised retailer, please click here, or if you would like to become a retailer, click here.
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As a combination bit, the Fulmer Snaffle allows for full cheeks above and below the bit, eggbutt sides and also the movement of loose rings.
The tall cheeks above and below the mouthpiece have no action as such upon the horse but, with the correct size and fit, they will help to keep the bit central in the mouth. Additionally, they act to provide directional guidance supporting the rein aid so are useful for the less experienced horse.
The eggbutt sides help to prevent any pinching and the addition of the loose rings function to provide more movement of the mouthpiece in the mouth.
Please note, that we define the cheek of the Fulmer from the top to the bottom, as shown in the image. Standard cheeks are 6” long. Our smaller Fulmers designed for ponies, are approximately 4.5” long.
Our mouth width is the measurement of the mouth between the cheek pieces and not the full length of the mouthpiece.Remember not to have too tight of a fit. You should always leave a little room on each side for comfort.