To view our full list of bits, please register for an account or login. If you wish to purchase a Bit through one of our dedicated retailers, please click here. If you would like to access our Bit prices and are an authorised retailer, please click here, or if you would like to become a retailer, click here.
This bit, with its loose rings on both sides passing through the mouthpiece ends, allows it to move freely upon the tongue.
The Loose Ring bit is available in a wide range of mouthpieces to cater for different mouth types and disciplines.
Loose Ring
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Being a Snaffle this bit will act upon the horse’s lips, bars and tongue as the rein contact is taken up. The exact contact across the mouth will vary depending upon the rider’s skill as well as the level of training and fitness of the horse and consequently, the position in which he/she holds his/her head and neck.
There is no curb, lever or other action but simply a direct line of contact from the rider’s hands through the reins to the bit.
The loose rings can have the disadvantage of sometimes pinching the corners of the mouth. To help prevent this, care needs to be taken to making sure that the correct size and fit are selected and and that the bit is monitored for rough or sharp edges caused by wear and tear. If pinching of the lips is an issue, Bit Guards can be fitted although the bit will need to be a size larger to accommodate them and care taken to ensure that they are permitted in competitions. Another option is the use of Loose Ring Tube bit.To view our full list of bits, please register for an account or login. If you wish to purchase a Bit through one of our dedicated retailers, please click here. If you would like to access our Bit prices and are an authorised retailer, please click here, or if you would like to become a retailer, click here.
This bit, with its loose rings on both sides passing through the mouthpiece ends, allows it to move freely upon the tongue.
The Loose Ring bit is available in a wide range of mouthpieces to cater for different mouth types and disciplines.
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Loose Ring
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Being a Snaffle this bit will act upon the horse’s lips, bars and tongue as the rein contact is taken up. The exact contact across the mouth will vary depending upon the rider’s skill as well as the level of training and fitness of the horse and consequently, the position in which he/she holds his/her head and neck.